Remote Electronic Voting

E-voting represents a significant leap forward in the democratic process, offering a blend of efficiency, security, and accessibility that traditional paper-based systems struggle to match. Due to recent events, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, E-Voting experienced an upsweep of attention as for examples shown by the introduction of an online voting channel to the 2023 social elections in Germany - the 3rd largest nationwide election in Germany. E-voting also offers a unique advantage in its capacity to implement heightened security protocols, which is crucial in maintaining the integrity of the voting process. However, it is essential to address concerns such as the security and transparency of e-voting systems, ensuring that they are verifiable and that alternative options are available for those who cannot use them. Moreover to help with adoption of E-Voting it is crucial that the general population understands the functionalities and implications of the different available E-Voting systems.

Research Questions

Some interesting research questions that will be or already have been (partly) answered are:

  • Do voters understand how the different E-voting systems function?
  • Do voters understand the different mechanisms in E-Voting work to enable voters to verify their votes?
  • How usable do voters perceive different E-Voting systems and which one do they prefer?
  • Are voters able to detect possible manipulation attempts with the functionalities provided to them by the E-Voting systems?
  • Are election responsible people able to perform informed decisions on whether or not to use a (and which) E-Voting system for an election?

Informational Material

In cooperation with MotionEnsemble and Florian Moser (INRIA) a video was produced to help election officals perform informed decision on whether or not to have an online format for an election anf if so which approach.

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